So I sit and cry, clutching a searing pain to my chest.
Why does this happen? Did I try? Did I try?

Do you love the way the marks look on my skin?
The ones only you and I can see.

Basic Information

This is the story of someone small, unassuming and meek.
Deserving of nothing more than a footnote, a spare passing thought, if that.

I'll be good, I'll Be Good, I'll Be Good I'll be good, I'll Be Good, I'll Be Good

. .Name:. Shuuna Dhoro
. .Race:/. Xaela
. .Age:l// Nineteen (19)
. .Gender:. Female

. .Body Type:. Short, Petite
. .Hair and Eyes:. Blonde / Sky Blue
. .Height and Weight:. 4'7" / 104

. .Birthplace:/ The Azim Steppe
. .Languages:. Xaelic

. .Distinguishing Features:.
She is most noted by the deformed horns that start at the top of her head and curl down like a sheep's. Because of this she was born Deaf.

. .Personality:.
Shuuna is timid to a fault, reserved to herself and quiet. The poor girl frightens easily and is quick to run away from anything.

Do you love the way the tears stain my cheeks?
The way it makes you feel strong like no-one else can?

Hooks and Facts

What a wretched child she is, one who took her mother's heart from her.
Let's not let her continue that way.

I'll be good, I'll Be Good, I'll Be Good I'll be good, I'll Be Good, I'll Be Good
I'll be good, I'll Be Good, I'll Be Good I'll be good, I'll Be Good, I'll Be Good
I'll be good, I'll Be Good, I'll Be Good I'll be good, I'll Be Good, I'll Be Good

. .Steppe Xaela:.
Shuuna was born and raised on the steppe. Though she has been largely isolated from her peers by her mother- she carries a lot of the traditional steppe values when it comes to love, war, and morals.

. .An Odd Ringing:.
She carries a small handbell on her hip, though she hardly ever uses it. She claims a friend she once knew had given it her.. Though she doesn't seem to know anything about the bell's origins or where it came from.

. .Out of place:.
Even among other Xaela her mannerisms are odd- likely a product of her social isolation during her formative years. There's many cultural and technological things she's just not familar with- especially out in the west.

. .Sleep With One Eye Open:.
She seems to harbor a great distrust for those around her- always wound up tightly with her head on a swivel. The poor girl looks likely to collapse in fear from a stiff breeze.

. .Searching:.
She's looking for someone important- though she has no idea who it is. She was told by her mother that only 'that person' could save such a wretched child. She tends to flock to those who are strong, clutching at their heels.

. .Combat Abilities:.
Unlike most Xaela, Shuuna sticks true to her Dhoro heritage and is quick to run from any and all conflict. She insists that she is not capable of fighting- due to her lack of hearing among other reasons.

That said, she does show some promising affinity with water attuned aether. And perhaps the bell at her hip has some tricks of it's own- though she can't unlock it's full potential.

Will you hold me tight? I've been a good girl.
Mother, I'm sorry I couldn't be who you wanted me to be.


It's hard to believe such a worthless girl could make so many friends.

Nomolun Dotharl | ❤❤❤❤❤

"Why does she... follow me... I don't understand. She helps push me... through my fears..."

Ghoa Mol | ❤❤❤❤❤

"My best friend! She's very silly... and talks about complicated things... but I still like her."

Soqatai Angura | ❤❤❤❤

"She's very.... strange but... She makes me feel safe. Maybe we can... help eachother?"

Nhaji Dotharl | ❤❤❤❤❤

"She's strong, I should make sure... to stay by her. Maybe, we could be sisters..."

Oelun Qestir | ❤❤❤❤❤

"She's nice... and brave... I'd like to be like her. Someday... Maybe I can do it."

.Nugai Chagan. | ❤❤❤❤❤
"A brother who likes his bread without crust.. I worry for him."

.Batsaikhan Chagan. | ❤❤❤❤❤
"Why does he... have to bully... Nugai? Can't they... get along?"

.Ozbehk Mankhad. | ❤❤❤❤❤
"I don't understand him... but he has fun friends..."

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't leave me alone.
The world is dark and scary without you.

About the Author

Thank you for taking the time to read my carrd!

My name is Lyn. (21 / She/Her / CST) If we've rped a few times feel free to ask for my discord! Because of my work I'm usually more available on discord than I am in game. I do mirror or multi-paragraph rp for the most part.

Want to join a Xaela roleplaying discord?

. .Things I don't do:.
No IC and OOC Bleed.
No Godmodding or Powergaming.
No Homophobia/Transphobia/Racism.
I don't partake in OOC drama, please leave it at the door.
IC =/= OOC, I do not agree with all of my character's IC opinions.

. .Things I prefer:.
Dark / Mature RP with realistic consequences. ❤❤
Long term RP.
Character building and development with storylines.
Traditional domestic RP.
Traditional Xaela/Steppe RP. ❤❤❤
